Tim Tankerd

Hoping for Warren/ Ellison would be the dream. Something like Kaine/Brazile is much more likely.

Can't speak for him but I definitely feel the "cultural conversation" around Trans rights and gay marriage was much more of a settled thing in our coastal/ cultural elite society than in America as a whole. You can't have an action without an opposite reaction and we're about to see the power of the revanchist

Nonsense. True political power rests in the number of thinkpieces and hot takes based on Lena Dunham's most recent tweet. Sure the GOP is literally a single state legislature away from being able to convene a constitutional convention and rewrite or repeal any amendments they want but the real question is how woke

Honestly the DNC leaks combined with the superdelegate system makes it clear that the powers that be were more terrified of a known quantity pushing the party leftwards and winning then they were of the penalties for defeat after nominating another "moderate centrist".

It's not just the DNC; it's the entire bipartisan consensus around structuralist integrity and geopolitical stability that's shook.

He absolutely would have. His poll numbers have never faltered and Hillary's never cracked 50%. Full throated defense of progressive values works. Mealymouthed centrism on "hmm how about $12.50 minimum wage?" and identity politics sure don't. A fully engaged millennial bloc coupled with rust belt redistributionist

Regret over not picking Bernie is going to be one of the overriding emotions I'm expecting over the next four years; followed shortly by terror and apathy

Oh look at the big shot with his armchair. Like you're too good to be posting from a bare and soiled mattress in the middle of a filthy floor.

Check out the streaming options available through Amazon. There are like a dozen options of channel per genre and showcases how all you really need these days to start your own is a LLC and some back catologue that has been licensed and sub-licensed to the point you can stream.

Be reassured. The same top minds running Hillary's campaign are now shepherding this new Trek show. Fuller is being replaced by Podesta, Berman by Huma. I'm predicting it will be such a success it ensures there won't be another Trek series for generations and that the only television science fiction permitted will

Goddamn. 3.5M is a huge number these days. I remember how big a deal it was when Breaking Bad cracked 5M in its second to last episode.

Charles Harder? Peter Thiel? Ted Cruz? It can get much worse than Scalia.

Watching Ben Shapiro's evolution from Breitbart apparatchik convinced that anti-semitism was only found in liberal colleges hiding under the guise of BDS to the target of an unceasing barrage of anti-Semitic abuse from the alt-right over the past year has been interesting. This was a "true believer" who got to

She'll get one term before the US decides to vote in Moloch the Imperator Cruciator as president for life.

Clinton did win millennials as a whole but lost white millennials and suffered from reduced turnout and increased third party support

Nonsense. Our grandchildren will be far too busy plotting to steal the other tribe's women and goats to think about social justice.

He ran against someone savaged as a phony billionaire conman who pals around with Putin and said on camera how much he enjoyed "grabbing em by the pussy". We'll never know but I wish we'd tried.

Pobre Univision. El futuro es sombrío

At last, my shed full of black market IUDs is going to be paying dividends for the next eight years!

Yup. I really think Hillary was such a fatally-flawed candidate that it cost us the election. We knew this was coming; she has been utterly hated for decades. How could this have been a surprise? Has misogyny somehow disappeared? Coupled with her very real personal flaws she had a incredibly uphill battle even