
ok, time to retire the "all the" hyperbolic device.

Area Man aka a 'Schlehmil' or 'yo-yo'. Answers to Benny

"the boys gave away their new album, Songs of Innocence, for free via iTunes"

iPods don't die, they just transform into other revenue streams for Apple

how long until someone makes a strap for your dong and creates an app to track your performance? a week?

developers everywhere are racing to be the first to release a dick monitoring app

i can't wait to have this stolen on the metro next spring!

so it's wireless, but you have to hook it up to a thing, that's attached to a wall.


so where's the letter that drastically reduces penalties for marijuana?

Dallas to Dallas!

this is categorically wrong: "Josh Gordon is clearly very fond of smoking weed; the fact that he's also been busted for DUI means that he very likely has a substance abuse problem."

yahoo mail > gmail.

they sure seemed like protestors, just people with camera phones, nothing indicates otherwise

what's your point?

who are these "others" you speak of? i'm pretty sure "others" includes the man he pointed the gun at and said "i will fucking kill you."

the cheap thing is certainly part of it, but to say that it has absolutely nothing to do with its global popularity is naive. It also wouldn't necessarily make it the "world's 7th most popular sport" if "everyone in the world was rich". its incredibly simple, perhaps the simplest sport there is. people like simple,

lol @ "football boys"

ahhh. i should have had a press release ready to go when i last moved.

ok, so first pups in a 100 years. i'm no math wiz but wouldnt that make their parents...over a 100 years old?