
halfway to back to back championships!

man, i still remember how mad i was when this latest UI overhaul came out. they just mutilated it

ahhh ok got it, thanks!

what do you mean "freemium"? is some of the content available for purchase?

blaze, breitbart

i check conservative sites just as often as liberal ones. cant make an opinion if you're only listening to what you want to hear.

ill tell you who jim is, that loafer who expects to ride your coattails to an A! screw jim

this is truly one for the books. i used to be shocked and appalled and amused by Gawker writers' ability to manufacture controversy by calling sexism, racism, etc. on just about anything. but this....this is some truly momentous horse shit!

im sure thats true for many if not most, myself included. but i also dont consider 99% of my facebook friends as real friends and dont need any way to contact them. if i dont have your number, chances are i dont need/want it, so thats why for me at least, its superfluous.

serious question....why do i need messenger when i can just text the person?

absolutely nailed it

i don't think so. where did you go?

please stop referring to artists as "content creators".

you misunderstood me....i was pointing out the insane leniency afford to ray rice.

say bad words in NBA - lifetime ban. beat your wife in NFL - see you week 3!

was it really necesarry to spray him down with the hose??

he still ranks as the #1 guy i want at that plate when in need of a home run

just "Yaz" is sufficient

Real Estate - Talking Backwards

i don't think there's mystery as to why there are so many sportswriters that are boss fans. springsteen's music has that 'strive for glory, on the edge of defeat but still fighting, never give up' kind of sound and attitude that appeals to the sports-minded person