Tidal Town

I personally hate these kill reward based systems. It’s basically the developer saying “Hey, you are better then the other players. Let’s make it even easier for you.”

Yeah, I usually fly corporate, so I’m the guy that bumps you to the middle even after you already had an assigned seat and even though I only booked 25 hours before the flight.


Despite warm critical reception...

There were people who were going to support it no matter what.

I found the cultural moment around this movie a troublesome warning of things to come. While the vitriol the film faced was disgusting and of course the worse part, I was also shocked by the complete lack of integrity displayed when folks were advocating that our feminist cards depended on going to see what looked

Was he found guilty of rape? Was there evidence?

ughhhhhh she wasn’t AT the DNC, that’s why she wasn’t on the cover of the story about the DNC

It’s hard to take a picture of the candidate when the candidate wasn’t there. They prioritized having an actual picture from the DNC. You can fault the choice but not the motivation.

More optimistically, Pokémon Go has shown huge potential for other Nintendo smart apps, and there’s also the NX around the corner.

All the eye rolls to this sentence, “In their attempts to make themselves feel better about not wanting to hack it here...”

“I don’t follow college sports.”

Civil war is the highest, followed by Zootopia,The Jungle book, BvS, Deadpool. The movies are not by female leads, though, i guess 1,2,4,5 had strong female charecters so that is good. But your lady brain may be confused because your data is wrong :/ to make the list among top ten this movie should at least make 431

Trumpet, then soprano with Santa Clara Vanguard, 2000-2002!

Drum corps is a life or death matter.

Wouldn’t any plan involving free or reduced tuition be better if it also took a hard look at why college is so damned expensive? Nobody ever seems to ask that and every time government pours more money in, the colleges raise the price.


I dunno, 445 miles is a long way. I’d believe it.

Maybe I just don’t get where you’re coming from with the YouTube Red thing, but to me it’s always just been “pay us to not have ads”, which is a deal I snatched-up as quickly as I could. They’re getting their money somewhere, and I’m either going to be paying with my time (ads) or my money (YouTube Red).

Maybe she didn’t feel like she was ready or didn’t want to have to try and live up to Stewart. Maybe she wanted to establish her own show/voice . Maybe she knew that if she did take the job everyone would compare her to him and she would come up short. No one could replace JS and ANYONE who came behind him would never