Tidal Town

roll tide to that gif

i pray for the state of your notifications in about 10 minutes

Hi TotallyFedUp,

Eva, from AgileBits again. Were you using Chrome? We have recently tested the process of exporting data from LastPass into 1Password on Windows and the process was pretty seamless on Firefox, but there are some known issues with Chrome.


Hi falterego and Thorin,

I understand that, but look...here in the US a far bigger killer is obesity yet we live in a culture where pointing that out is now “fat shaming”! Again, I’m very respectful of others and always ask when say, on the beach or even up at my lake house. Most are fine because I keep myself away from others, some like the

White families move out of areas with rising crime rates + increasing number of minorities = white fright = bad

Everything on there looks good. I think I’ll have the enchiladas.

the fuck did i do?

GPS so I can do things (like Golf) without my cell phone needing to be 10ft away. MS Band 2 has that for $125 cheaper, though it is ugly, its functional, and if the world didn't like ugly and functional my wife never would have married me

He’s not. If hillary said this u wouldnt have a problem at all with this.

I might be opening up a huge can of worms here, but why do you think it’s insane for font designers and type foundries be compensated for their work?

I used to be a legal proofreader, and these particular cases against an object or a shipment of objects used to absolutely slay the whole department... US vs. One Hundred Forty-Four Boxes Of Frozen Fish. US vs. $75,000 Cash. US vs. 422 Casks of Wine. I considered it one of the few benefits of the job (because having

Because nobody wants your ridiculous Libertarian pseudo-government bullshit.

While I sympathize with your love of the unknown — I love surprises too! — this is a news outlet, and we don’t believe that reporting on news requires a spoiler warning. Sorry.

Or maybe he was a jerkoff college kid who grew up and matured in the past 20 years? Like nobody here did douchebag things when they were young.

Your post didn’t say what you think it said.

This statement I get and totally agree with but it’s much different (or maybe more precise) from the original comment. While this might have been what you meant, it came out completely different which led to our original miscommunication. The above paragraph though? Totally on board with that “diagnosis”; if you will.

You're making a dumb point. You're saying "In my day, TV was educational."