Tidal Town

It looks like it was made in the 90's (because it was).

What most people mean when they say "equality between sexes" they mean equal opportunity. Women should be allowed in tournaments and men should be allowed in tournaments. This doesn't mean a gender should be lured, so that it becomes an exact 50/50 situation. That's not what gender equality or any form of equality is

"What's GTA V? Wouldn't you rather play StarFox, except this time, it hurts to play because you have to hold this controller up in front of your face?" - The Wii U

I like it. He's the classic, charismatic megalomaniac James Bond villain.

Already screwed up by posting this outside of your thread, but I'm pretty sure Atari's Adventure was the first game I ever played. Either that or Combat.

4. Defer to those driving manuals.

i'm all for paid mat/pat leaves but 3 years? that would be excessive even by scandinavian and canadian standards.

"The only one who did anything that can be set equal with money is the people who developed the product, as they work to earn money too, of course. But since they usually get paid a standard wage, we can leave this out for simplicity's sake."

See your argument is fundamentally flawed since you are forgetting the primary goal of capitalism: accumulation. By refusing to pay for both paid and unpaid labor you are keeping the capitalist from making any profit. On the surface this might seem good to you, but a capitalist needs capital to recapitalize, to put