Free Market Party Company

Got a soft spot for these Lincolns, even if they’re not my favorite. At a guess I’m thinking this is a ‘69, the generation that followed the brilliant mid-60s Continentals and would later be given the dumb faux-RR grille in the 70s. Liked this overall aesthetic but it’s not particularly memorable.

Wow, am I conflicted on this one.

I really, REALLY wish someone would try building something like the Vehicross again. A real 2-dr sports coupe-style SUV.

Once we’ve got a few million EVs on the road we’ll see shops really start to cater to them. Once this has become a going concern we’ll see companies buying batteries from the repair shops to repurpose and that will help reduce the cost of the replacement for the car owner.

While I get the danger you’re talking about, the generally lower costs of maintaining EVs will probably keep them on the road a lot longer than many ICE cars. Sure, the batteries will deteriorate, but once we’ve got a critical mass of a few million EVs on the road the battery replacement industry will be able to

Gotta go ND and it breaks my heart because I loved these cars back in the day and this one seems pretty reasonable. Mods have reduced the collectibility and that wing looks... not great. $5k, maybe.

The fact that it’s not quite as cool is paradoxically part of what makes it cooler.

Agreed. People seem to miss that distinction. Not for me, but it seems decent enough for the price.

I’m not gonna dump on Musk because he has accomplished some amazing things and there’s no reason to believe he won’t continue. In fact, they’re working on a revolutionary new HVAC system that will give him an entry into yet another market and I’m here for it.

If I had to guess, I’d say this would be the next evolution (after the appropriate human factors engineering, of course).

I dig it. I’d buy it. The top is a bit of a pain but there’s a chance it might be something simple. I’m sorry it’s got that horrid aftermarket woodgrain on the dash but that’s removeable.

The ability to sell emissions credits is very much a free-market solution.

Well, the idea of “peak production” was a nice little boogeyman for the industry to throw up to regulators (“if we’re not allowed to do [insert insanely destructive practice here] we’re going to run out!”). Peak consumption is more disruptive.

The original meaning of the term “Peak Oil” referred to production capacity. Thanks to the ingenuity of engineers we’ve come to realize we never actually have to run out of oil. We just get better at finding it. Turns out THAT isn’t the problem.

To me, Saturn was a fairly typical GM tragedy. It was founded as a platform for innovation in the company, and they did some very cool, un-GM stuff there for at least the first few years. They extended the plastic-over-spaceframe concept pioneered by the Fiero, and maybe most significantly validated lost foam as a

These look nice! I’d love them to actually hit their target and get these to N. America.

[shrugs] The heart wants what the heart wants...

So, God help me, I’d do this. It’s ugly as... well there are no words, really but I love the oddball quality of a 2dr convertible crossover. It’s just so completely gonzo that I can’t help but be drawn to it. And I live in a deeply wintery place where the AWD and extra ground clearance would be helpful.

Much as I get all of that, and largely agree, I can’t extend that agreement to a $6k price. $4k? Maybe.

Now you’re talking!