
well, the truck driver will certainly have egg on his face after this incident...

@MacTodd: I have to come to grips with my terrible nature...I had to suppress a serious laugh since I'm at work. Awful. Yet still hilatrious

@Patrick Sanford: I can relate. There was a small video store "Video Paradise" where I grew up. The tagline for the store was "movies for a buck." My dad knew the owners and the owners knew every movie backwards / forwards /sideways / inside out. They'd take the time to talk about what movie was appropriate for my

@Thomas Zieba: Totally. Xerox, and, more specifically, Xerox PARC could have absolutely been THE ruler of the digital age if they had the vision to develop their products to both the consumer & businesses.

@Stem_Sell: If the Joker dyed his hair red, was balding & smoked 3 ounces of crack everyday for a'd probably get this guy. Yikes.

@Stem_Sell: Frankly...that picture is pretty damn creepy. True story: when I was five and went to a birthday party that had a clown, I was so scared that I ran out of the house screaming into the street (cul de sac). I can vividly remember it was a cul de sac because that day was burned into my mind. My parents

@aceofcakes: "THAT'S where my bikini top went..."

@Mecharine: Presume to presume, I presume.

Hmm...I was working hard and saw from afar this wonderful epic thread

@pupaboy3: Totally! I watched that show as "Starblazers" when I was a of my favorite shows.

So these centuries of waste management innovation have led to this? The pinnacle of toilet humor?

@SethThresher: People say they are tired of this meme, but frankly, if it's unexpected and I don't see it more than once a week, I usually get a chuckle out of it.

@Dereck Goolsby-Bearsong: I'm not too certain this will happen that soon with the movie industry. While I think a new movie industry model would be a good thing, the barriers to entry are just too high for standard "blockbuster" fare.

@Faxmonkey: Frankly, this is the most succinct description/deconstruction of the old(er) music business industry model. I'd promote you if I could.

You guys will laugh, but I bought my first smartphone in 2006 (didn't have a need for one before then). It was a T-Mobile Dash (HTC S620) and it still has a soft-spot in my heart. Was it sluggish at times? Sure! Did it have the cache of the still moderately popular RAZR at the time? Nope! But you never forget who you

@blyan: no, I hear you: a text message is a hell of a lot more practical in a lot of situations when you just need to send out or reply to something that just takes a few words. So called "sexting" seems pretty much a natural thing to me, just make sure your phone screen is in a safe location if you get them from your

@blyan: Hmm....your points are well taken, and I text what I feel is a good (bad?) amount - roughly 350 per month. I'm an early 30-something guy and I'm definitely busy and most certainly have positive (re: duh) feelings about sex. That being said...I make time to call people I consider close me. I like that type of