
@CaptainJack: Totally with you. I've read a few of the estimated cost breakdowns of text plans and the associated cost per MB. I would really like to see the margins the major telecoms here in the US are making on texting plans alone. Then again, maybe knowing how much they make might depress me...

@That Guy: Totally had a crush on Alex mack as a kid! I always thought she would be a cool girlfriend.

I second that. Happy Birthday Woz! And many happy returns...

@jayhudgeons: Nah...they were too busy walking 10 miles uphill in a blizzard in a school. With no jacket. And none of those fancy shoes like today's young whippersnappers. And they liked it!

@judacris: Hahaha...they could totally do a riff on the Geico line of commercials: " So easy an ape can use it!"

@The Artgineer: Where are these stats from? Not trying to be a wise-ass, but I'm mostly certainly curious. Also, the concentration of suicides to a particular company is HIGHLY relevant here. For example, the population of Texas is about 25 million people. If I said total suicides for the state of Texas per year is

@Gary_7vn: I like that idea: have the original digital (non-enhanced) photo available for comparison. I can't imagine publications would ever allow it though...puncturing the illusion is bad for business.

Picard: "So... Mr. LaForge"

@thebluepill: Probably not as famous, but then he wouldn't have had the Church breathing down his a$$

@b33g33: "What? I've had a ski resort built in the middle of the desert, built a tennis court on top of a hotel, and now you're telling me I can only get this phone on AT&T?!?! A plague upon you! And I want my billion back!"

@JakeMG: Ω Man: You know...I feel for George in this scenario. I went swimming late night with some friends in the ocean a few years back (I'm on the east coast in New England), both guys & girls. When I got out of the water, my swimtrunks were plastered flat against the front of my body creating a mold of every nook

Well, the swimsuit clad lady I'd have no problem making a snarky remark about. But, after reading the post describing the woman who was using the Segway after her battle with cancer, I'm a bit hesitant to bash on the guy riding the Lark. You just never know. Although he's probably late to the Lynyrd Skynyrd concert.

@Danny Sullivan: Whoa there! Now, don't get me wrong: I was one of what I assume (troublesome word "assume") was many people who found the original post both amusing and pathetic in a "oh-crap-humanity-is-circling-the-drain" kind of way. I don't think Jason intended any personal slight against the woman, and yes, the

@Parge_Lenis: And yea, if thou art truly devoted, thou wilst give Him thine hard-earned sheckles and he will bestow upon thee His holy iPad. You will be filled with joy and His coffers will be just plain filled. Amen.

@t0ughguy0: I guess that's the thing. I don't won't to start a flame war but if you have lots of money to burn and have to have the absolute best CPU for your new rig and OC it to high heaven, Intel is the way to go. My last computer build was a quad-core AMD Phenom II 955 (which suits me quite nicely, thank you!) and