Excuse me, will this be on the test?
Excuse me, will this be on the test?
Can we all just agree right now that all official communication from Spanfeller be considered Dead Letters? We want more of this (even if it is fake, it’s the best Kinja):
Use of hashtags in an email.
Keep the dream alive!
You’re not *wrong*, but that kind of talk has no place here, my man.
Walk away. Stop. There’s no shame in admitting that past you was wrong. It’s liberating, really.
I’m just going through and starring every comment that says “Fuck Bud Adams”.
“...not really running for president...running for higher speaking fees, more book sales, and maybe a tv show”
Your mother is a saint.
The Jags are the Giants’ “white trash beach town outlet store”.
Yeah, that was a bunch of horseshit. At least that writer isn’t a regular on Deadspin for the moment. I hope it stays that way. Still, that’s an editorial decision to go with that article. Deadspin doesn’t do retractions or mea culpas, though. I would say something like “maturity is off-brand”, but they do alright for…
Yeah. I really wish that LeBron had just gone to the Clippers in the first place. He could have had the LA connections and been in a good basketball environment; instead he made an attempt at getting a pseudo father-figure in Magic, who was gone in less than a year.
Damn, son. That’s beautiful, and I’m stealing it.
“Dad? Hey, Dad? How you doing? Just, you know. I’m fine. Yeah. Yeah. It’s just you’re big on the Internet now. Well, not the whole thing. The snarky, obnoxious corner of it. No, not that. No. No, not reddit. Smaller, but a good group of guys. They like you a lot now. They put down their dick jokes for 5 minutes to say…
Holy shit, that’s awesome about your dad. How does he avoid Fox News at that age?
His job is to have powerless people on Internet comment boards hate on him in between purchases of over-priced stadium food and team jerseys. As long as he’s there to hate, the owners can continue to bilk local governments for stadium cash. He’s paid his market’s worth. Look up how much tax lawyers can get paid to…
Was referring to the language being used, not the provenance of the product.
I didn’t make it that far in the video from earlier this week. I was mostly talking about that, not any article he wrote. Will read.
Exactly. Ley’s bullshit about geographic relegation was fucking offensive, because it undermined a decent idea, and he also thought that the draft would be kept through relegation. You can’t have the draft and a relegation system. I just want one North American sports league to have some sort of decent relegation…
It also has a pretty hot name. I mean, some of the bros might not be into the French, but that’s their loss, right?