
I’m glad we’re getting a new Guardians movie. I hope the franchise can survive without Gunn’s stewardship.

The problem I see here is...Kevin Hart.  I assume  I’m just getting a Kevin Hart movie now.

Isn’t there like a WikiLeaks site for dumped films? Someone get on that. Torrents just for movies that the studio decided no one can see.

Historically he hasn’t been the best judge of adaptations of his own work so I’m really not sure what to make of this.

I’m a bit disappointed they didn’t do something to stylize the visuals a bit. I’m not expecting “cosplayer painting black lines on their costume”, but the artstyle is one of the unique points of Borderlands. Would it have killed them to apply some kinda moderate visual filter or something?

I was wrong. Street Fighter.

Doesn’t Curtis go to like, VG cons and shit because she wants to? I know she plays ... Tekken, I think it is?

Pretty much. It makes fun of all the tropes, enjoys mercilessly taking the piss of its target audience, and its mindless shooting shit fun and hasnt changed one bit since its beginnings. I mean hell, they made a freaking gun in it with great stats that most players would drool over.....with one catch in that it would

Hollywood…stop force feeding Kevin Hart to the weary masses.

Both Blanchett and Curtiss are old enough to be in a “doing a videogame movie for my grandkids" period, and that gave us Raul Julia as Bison, so who knows? 


She also rocked some amazing fashion in Ocean’s 8.

He also has a fun kids’ movie attached to his name now. So it’s a toss-up.

Kevin Hart is in it so No, i am not looking forward to it.

They seem to be going for Suicide Squad/Birds of Prey/Guardians of the Galaxy vibe on the marketing, which fits the little I’ve played of Borderland. Between this and Fallout, we’re getting a stacked year for post-apocalyptic frontier videogame adaptation.

Having never played Borderlands, I hope this is essentially the long-awaited sequel to Spacehunter: Adventures in the Forbidden Zone, with Cate Blanchett picking up Molly Ringwald’s character many years later.

I couldn’t tell you a single thing about the plots in the Borderlands games, other than they keep trying to find some sort of vault. While accumulating tons of wealth and weapons in every damn container littered every 5 feet all over the game world. Turns out the treasure was the treasure you found along the way.

This should be a good movie. I am really curious to find out the motivations of the civil war. That’s a difficult dance to do without pissing off half the country or to just make it believable.

Yeah I can’t picture any universe in which Texas and California join forces. Shit, we’re living in a timeline right now where Texas is leading the way in defying not just the federal gov’t, but the SCOTUS and several like-minded governors are hopping on board.

If “California and Texas unite against everyone else” doesn’t have a sci-fi explanation, I feel like we need a much more detailed trailer to get people into theaters.