
As long as the replacement for that isn’t his shitty modern day Ultimate FF-inspired characterization.

Fortunately, Malcolm Peter Brian Telescope Adrian Blackpool Rock Stoatgobbler John Raw Vegetable Brrroooo Norman Michael (rings bell) (blows whistle) Edward (sounds car horn) (does train impersonation) (sounds buzzer) Thomas Moo... (sings) ‘We’ll keep a welcome in the...’ (fires gun) William (makes silly noise)

As someone pointed out a few days ago, this stuff has a limited shelf life. How many more times can you repurpose 40-50 year old material? MST3K is putting out new material, and even they couldn’t get enough money on their most recent kickstarter to fund a new season. Kids in the Hall aren’t getting a second season on

This is why the whole multiverse thing is a lead weight around the neck of Marvel.

Nothing matters, there are infinite versions of everyone. There’s no peril or dramatic tension, nothing has consequence.

Neil Innes wrote all the music for the Rutles and wound up having to sue Idle to get any SPAMALOT money after Idle used his music there, too, so I don’t imagine the Neil Innes estate will be too keen to let Eric go out and perform his stuff.

I don’t know how I feel about this. I love Pedro but I would have preferred a younger Reed. Are they only planning one movie? 

It’s weird because British people of the era, like my Dad, who they appealed to so much, would tell them to fucking bang their heads together and stop being such tossers. Cleese = bigoted moron. Idle = egotistical moron.

It’s not that they should avoid it, it’s that this is literally the only part of any story involving him that they have an ounce of interest in. Somehow an article purportedly about Python’s financial state of affairs and general dislike between two of its members ends with two full paragraphs about Cleese’s politics.

Palin is a saint 

This makes it especially odd then that Cleese and Idle toured together just a few years ago. They made it clear it was strictly for financial reasons, as Cleese was on his 19th divorce and Idle was broke as well, but still...

“I was 4 miles from Graybridge when I was caught by the school leopard.”

I hate it when Grandpa and Grampa fight.

Yeah. Don’t get me wrong, I am dismayed by Cleese (a very funny man who I loved when I was young) turning into one of these d-bags who always goes on and on about cancel culture. But this place has gotten really dumb about this stuff. Rest assured any article they run where Cleese is named will immediately turn into a

He got better . . .

Also, when Idle complains that Spamalot only made money 20 years ago, that would have been when Idle was 60, a perfectly reasonable time for an adult’s income-earning days to start winding down.  Doesn’t Idle have, like, mutual funds?

Michael Palin’s diaries are really eye opening to how things were within the group and notably, Eric Idle was always very focused on the business side to the point of the others failing to recognize why that mattered so much (and he’s not wrong, tbh, but you can tell the others are either not happy with compromising

ugh, as much as Cleese always been horrible.... Eric should release his comedy work with George Harrison, that stuff would be gold right now. It’s silly, it’s goofy and it’s peaceful. 

Cleese appears to be an egotistical bigot, while Idle seems like a cranky bastard who apparently has issues with every other living member of the troupe.  Shocking that this apparently made for a tense working environment.

Whatever my feelings about present day Cleese or Idle, it’s not exactly a secret that the Python gang has always had multiple internal tensions. I mean, Cleese has spent 40 years complaining about the drama around his final season of Flying Circus and The Meaning of Life.