So their is no non 3D IMAX ones ??
So their is no non 3D IMAX ones ??
They got rid of and as well the some writing time has left. So yeah
?? I was sad about Desmond. But I saw it as a chance for them to introduce some really cool new character for the morden story. Which sadly didn’t happen. Lol
Thank you !!! I always love the future arc. It’s the main part
Every thing still happen just the devil made a twist. They were never married but engage and as Wel people never new his identity.
There's your problem. :)
Pre-52. He died. and end up meeting death. From the sandman world and so on.
That part is what ever. They still voiloated his contract and try to force him out of his stocks.
Yeah I really enjoy the last two season. It just had this whole growing vibe for korra. To understand her balance
Puppet angel rocks :-) they had a chance to have themselves a fun episode.
I want to fight the dragon!
Wait ?? What. ?? I’m guessing your replying to me. But I don't Recall typing. Now I have look at see what I type too you.
Ok, i get that :-) that’s fine I understand. For me I wait. I have order for best buy before with the whole 20 off pre order. I don’t mind the wait , but that fine if you see it differently. I get it b:-)
There’s a manga call my lovely ghost kana