
Welp. fantasy sports players are requesting selfies with @darrenrovell.

That’s not dip that Zimmer is putting in, that’s chew.

In short, all Star Wars ships act like airplanes flying in an atmosphere. As long as we’re accepting that physics model

I actually kind of agree with him that it isn’t the same as watching the NFL or NBA. Watching professional gaming competitions is on the same level, but just watching the streamers (unless the streamers themselves are pro-level gamers) is more like watching a group of average people play football or bastketball.

I completely agree with Kimmel. It’s one thing to watch an esports league because you’re watching the people that are supposed to be the best at a game you enjoy playing, and maybe you’ll get better by watching them and learning some things.

But to watch some guy act like a wacky inflatable arm flailing tube man play a