Cool - people like my parents are never going to use Plex though, making it less than useful to a large section of the population. For those who can use it, it might be great.
Cool - people like my parents are never going to use Plex though, making it less than useful to a large section of the population. For those who can use it, it might be great.
Probably visceral - it’s basically the guts of something, isn’t it - which is where you want software running anything to be understood, but especially your car.
The reason I thought there would be confusion is that in Australia, E85 fuel has only 15% ethanol - thanks for the info though.
Fair enough - what’s E15 then? Isn’t it referring to the ethanol content rather than the regular fuel percentage, but the result is the same. All that will do is confuse people who don’t care about cars or the fuel that goes into them.
It’s called E85 in Australia, we’ve had it for years. I’ve never used it myself, but the cost is about 4 cents a litre less than 91 octane unleaded, which is our regular fuel.
Not claiming it is the best, but Melbourne, Australia is well serviced by trains and has the largest tram network in the world.
“The nondescript styling of its cars doesn’t help matters”
About 20 years ago, my mother won an Ikea kitchen in a magazine contest. My dad and I, with help from a very handy friend of my dad’s, removed the old kitchen and installed the new one. We didn’t move any services, so the only trade used was a cabinet maker to install the benchtop and facing trim panels.These would…
Still cheaper than most places. Call me when it hits US$5.80 a gallon, which is what it is right now in my part of Australia.
OJ vibes - It’s no white Bronco though
That’s cool - I was thinking of the year, not the model type - and I’m not in the US.
Hard choice - that is my dream car, though I’d probably rather an ‘08 or ‘09. However, as others have said, the maintenance potential is a little scary.
A car was hit by a sign like this in Melbourne, Australia back in 2019
I haven’t bought a car with a drive-away price, but I believe so - it’s possible the Luxury Car Tax is not included if applicable. That would change things somewhat.
The lowest common denominator, coming soon to your town.
David: When you leave, the average age of cars owned by Jalopnik staff will go down considerably. Best wishes for your eternal quest for the oldest car you can get running.
Thanks for the info
What’s that? Haven’t heard of that one.