
Sobering message:

This is some good writing. Hard to take really, but powerful stuff. Thanks for sharing it Tim.

Jesus Christ, just thinking about how Ray Lewis is going to bloviate, pontificate, and generally make a giant ass of himself in his speech is going to keep Deadspin rolling in takes for weeks. Can’t wait.

As usual, Ray will speak through interpretive dance.

I once met Brian Dawkins shortly after he was drafted by the Eagles.

Jerry Kramer getting in, rights the HOF’s biggest wrong.

Mildly disappointed TO’s post wasn’t about the time he randomly showed up in a Bangbus episode.

“My name is KIIIIIICKKKKKKKK, KICK ROCKKKKSSS. I love that song too.”

About damn time. It’s a damn shame that he had to wait till his third year, but at least the football writers showed that they are one step above baseball writers in their “holier than thou” shittiness.

That was Terrebell.

This is the PG version of the “Go Fuck Yourself” tweet.

First of all, let the individuals involved decide what is contrived and condescending. Secondly, I know little about this disease but it could well be something that started affecting the kid after she started playing for the team but now can’t. Context is important.

You must be fun to hang out with.

Markelle Fultz needs to call her shooting coach.

Fine, I smiled, I smiled. I hope you’re happy...

Bad ass. It’s always cool to see something like this, and somehow I always come away from it thinking it says even more about the OTHER team.

I guess that’s an option.

It was phrased in a way to make the answer something you could figure out from the wordplay even if you don’t know anything about football.

You really oughtta cross post this to Compete so the nerds can leave dozens of witty “sportsball” comments.