Now playing

God damn, Kadri ripped out some of his beard.

New Orleans Saints 2006-present.

I understand the sentiment (I guess) but as someone else pointed outt, this seems very disrespectful to those guys who gave everything they had and came up a little short. Most people, given years of hindsight and time to mature, will come to appreciate that they were the second best in the world at something. You

Has anyone reached out to the Tequila Cowboy for comment or is Jerry Jones too busy to talk?

Excited to see what an offense conceived on a boatload of painkillers looks like.

Recovering from a spinal cord injury is a very long process and along the way there are little milestones that you want to achieve. Having feeling return to your legs is one of them (a very important one).

I have a kid, what I lack is a marketable child or hashtag to go with their name.

Because he $halieves in his $on.

I know they’ve purposely only shown angles of him on tv so you can’t tell whether he’s in a wheelchair or not, but until I see him walking with my own two eyes, none of these updates that say he’s “improving” or “doing much better” or whatever mean anything to me. That said, definitely don’t blame them for wanting

He did one better, he made every player from 2017 return their salary AND bonuses.

“Yes, yes I do. I shalieve. I shalieve.”

“I shalieve” is something Shazier’s teammates should all say more, especially in club bathrooms

I have no doubt he’ll walk again; but there is no chance he plays football again.

Yea, fuck all those losers who graduated last year!

I’m waiting for the part where he returns his salary form last year, since he views the season as such a complete and utter failure. What a fuckwit.

“We don’t play for participation trophies”
You don’t play at all, dip shit. 

Hundreds of thousands of dollars strength coach smashes thing to motivate.

He goes to the corner of the stadium where the away fans sit (I think - it’s the southeast stands, should be bottom right of the screen). Or he’s a Korean guy who’s still learning his way around a foreign land.

Taufatofua has also gone $30,000 in debt