
Dude, they changed their name to the Clippers last year.

Thought you could just slip a fake school by us, huh? Nice try. “FIU”, indeed.

UCF would gladly join the SEC and play an SEC schedule if given the chance.

This. They beat the team that beat the teams in the 3rd place game. Congrats to UCF.

No one likes you.

This sounds exactly like something Armin Tamzarian would do.

I have no problem with this and honestly, their national championship is as legitimate as whoever emerges victorious from the SEC championship game this weekend and/or whoever wins the rebooted American Idol championship this season. It’s all entertainment designed to make sure the right people are getting paid.

The Peach Bowl spread was +9.5 and they won by 7.

and Auburn was 10 point favorites.

They’ll put you right to work on the Penske file.

By this logic, Donald Trump is president of the United States.

I recently interviewed for a job and didn’t receive an offer. I might just take a cue from Danny White and print out my own damn offer letter, show up on Monday.

If they wanted a trophy so bad, why not keep the Civil ConFLiCT around?

If Alabama can get to the playoffs without winning their conference, UCF should be able to claim the national championship without making the playoffs

Is very possible that Mark Ronson and Bruno Mars ripped them off for “Uptown Funk”... I mean, the songs are very similar, except for the catchiness, feel, lyrics, ability of the songwriters, geographies referenced and general goodness of the music.

It’s pretty common for highly paid American imports to be criticized pretty quickly when they don’t score a ton of points. I expect their “not so well paid” teammates to stop passing to them and for the fans to pelt them with cheap coins. Give them a couple of weeks.

This 30 for 30 is gonna be fucking sick

My cousin is a basketball agent very familiar with Europe. He told me that this is like, a 10-15K person town they’re playing in with a really bad history of racism. The coach is super intense, doesn’t speak a lick of english, and chain smokes during halftime.

Eastern European Funk was absolutely robbed in 2010. That song was so good. #Justice4InCulto

*wipes away tear*