
Absolutely. For a lot of everyday use cases where only a small percentage of the processor cycles are being used, it won’t be noticeable at all. But for any processor-intensive tasks, it’s a clusterfuck, especially for enterprise-level tasks. Just off the top of my head, Netflix has infrastructure based entirely on

5% I could live with. 30%? Fuck me, man... I would notice a 30% drop for sure.

Yep. This is bad.

10 years for it to be discovered by legit researchers. No telling when state-level or other groups knew about it.

Alley-oop? What alley-oop?

Whoa now, those two agreed to get fucked by him. There were legally binding contracts that are matters of public record to prove that they allowed for such debasement to occur. They paid him to fuck them. If that’s not consensual then we need to have a serious discussion with the Merriams and Websters.

So... Arizona didn’t find any evidence of sexual assault, even after he fucked West Virginia and Michigan?

Manu forever.

This. 1,000 times this. Drew was wrong, though. Ask 1,000 weight lifters the best routine and form and you’ll likely get 1,500 answers.

Girlfriend and some friends want to see it, so I’m going tonight. And this comment fascinates me more than any trailer. More excited now than ever.

Your take on the weightlifting question is 100% correct. There is nothing that hardcore fitness people love more than telling you how wrong you’re doing literally everything in the gym. Put your workout pants on one leg at a time? BULLSHIT, you should sit on the bench and put both legs in at the same time in order to

I can’t even make it through the trailer on TV.

Yeah, this movie left me irrationally angry. It was a harmless enough movie, but everything about it made me want to punch people in the mouth. And I am a generic, soft east coast liberal dude.

I couldn’t tell if the letter writer, Drew, and editor (hah!) all were taking a shit on Fantastic Beasts for being bad or if they all genuinely had no idea

I’m pretty sure putting nukes on the moon would be a violation of at least one treaty prohibiting the militarization of space, which is how we avoided both nuke bearing satellites floating overhead and Reagan’s Star Wars program (aside from the bonkers costs of 1980's lasers in space). But really satellites would be

Sooner or later some corporation will realize that they can produce X thing in space or on a different planet/moon so efficiently that it is worth the insane costs and dangers. And of course people will have to physically live nearby to tend to the factories/forges/whatever and even though life may suck, eventually

Point for being correct, and an extra point for actually using ‘literally’ correctly. Thank you, good internet person.

Now playing

I have definitely spotted a tiny airplane can of Coke and been like OMG LOOGIT THE TINY CAN! It’s like R2D2, but a soda! Adorable! Shrinking something makes it inherently more detailed and less imposing.

I’ve always thought the proximity and lower gravity of the Moon would make it pretty useful to have a base on.

You are 100% incorrect about colonizing space. We absolutely will. It just won’t be governments, it will be corporations who will maximize their profit by making life shitty for the human workers and things will likely look a lot like Venusville from Total Recall or the Belt from the Expanse, but probably 100 times