
These racist and extremely stupid administrators thought they were the king bullies of their schoolyard and no one, certainly not a student protestor, could possibly stand against them. Now they are in the news and are being seen for what they are. I hope they face consequences for their shameful and illegal acts.

The Vikings there just didn’t have a Kluwe.

I’m going to assume the Mayer students were expelled for hate speech because otherwise I won’t be able to sleep tonight.

I like the method of madness behind the ban: if you’d stop protesting racial injustice, no one would subject you to racial discrimination!!! Duh! We have to think of everything!

getting one cheerleader wet

But...but...the troops! They’re so offended that this teenager in wherever the fuck California got offended by people yelling slurs and throwing shit at him.

It is not just reporters. It snows pretty much every year in Chicago, and yet the first time it happens each November or December, everybody acts like they have lived their entire lives in Australia. Especially the drivers. We got a half inch of snow a few weeks ago and it tripled my commute for no reason at all.

TB 12 water stays hydrated when everything else is freezing.

About 66,829 ways.

GOD turned that water into ice, heathen!

Filling segments with science!? This is why ESPN is losing the conservatives.

You think this was a screw up?

Struggling FAKE NEWS ESPN just showed that climate change is fake! FAKE NEWS just disproved FAKE SCIENCE.

The fact that announcers and reporters will seemingly NEVER not be amazed that Foxborough is cold and shitty is truly the gift that keeps on giving.

Now playing

Big deal. I saw video of a guy in Fairbanks Alaska throwing a pitcher of water in the air in 50 below temperatures and it basically instantly turns into a puffy white cloud of ice crystals.

...and wet

Every fucking year... “How about Gruden? How about Bill Cower? How about Tony Dungy?” Sigh...

I could just imagine Gruden walking down the street, pointing to some random guy walking by and saying “I tell ya, Mike, this guy right here is something special.” Every. Day. Of his. Life.

I think Gruden is going to be a massive failure but I really don’t understand this take

it is nice to occasionally be reminded that rich, professional people are just as fucking stupid as I am