
This is definitely it. Probably the only pleasure he gets in the world. Its actually pretty sad.

Fair enough.

Even for katie rife this is stretching credulity. Someone complaining about their wages after they signed a contract is now “sexual misconduct” as is hitting on someone years ago whose age he presumably didn’t know.

God, is this ever the truth. Does anyone actually think this is accomplishing anything ?(except giving think piece writers who need to constantly be churning out content something easy to write about) 

Mhmm. I also bet on the bills +9 and that bet is looking good right now. All around pretty decent.

We actually probably will. I can feel your impotent rage seething through everything you write.

Look whos still raging because they got embarassed online. You honestly could not be more pathetic.

This is a bad day

I told you already shes traveling.

I didn’t claim to be cool but I am a hell of a lot cooler then you. And you’re the one who argues with everyone you interact with on this site. It is pretty crazy that you don’t see that.

You’re pretty dumb.

This guy is obviously mentally ill. Or just extremely dumb.

We discussed that at length and you refused to acknowledge simple facts in any way shape or form.

All alone in your small shitty apartment? There is no way someome like you could ever convince somoene to be around you for more than a few minutes much less be with you.

No one cares what you think. No one.

Shes out of town and it’s easier to berate the dumbest sack of shit in the world

Even other super progressives on this site don’t like you. No one likes you. Go away.

Does it bother you that you can really only repeat the same few phrases over and over again? And are unable to even consider thinking past that? Do you have a head injury or just or woefully limited intelligence and an inability to shut your mouth. I bet people including your family go out of their way not to be

Ok. Your opinion means very little.

You’re the only one talking about white people here. And Paul Hagis is a terrible director.