
I’d help!

My mom is 70 years old... if some smug bitch did this to her, I swear to god I would beat her senseless.

“ seems that this act was directed towards his ex-girlfriend, towards whom he had a violent history of domestic abuse.”

Whatever it takes for him to stop hitting women.

Eh, I didn’t hate it. Good for Miley. We all go through a regrettable gross stage.

Is it just me or do people all of the sudden look really old? Depp looks like crap now....I just turned 34 and all of the sudden I’m looking around at people my own age and am like do I look like that? I just assume I’ll always look like I’m 22

“He’s not a morning person”

Looking at that top picture, Jdepp is starting to get the face he deserves.

Someone “stealing” Mayer is like someone stealing your Taco Bell. Let them get the explosive diarrhea and be glad you dodged that bullet.

The bottles immediately reminded me of these guys, albeit not as trippy and cool.

All the bottles are still white, tho.

Are latex clothes usually lined with something else? I can’t imagine wearing latex; it seems like it would be so uncomfortable! That dress does look awesome, though.

Meanwhile, at JazzFest, even though it was the last day, I heard Zydeco, swamp rock, Kermit Ruffin’s tribute to Louis Armstrong and some gutbucket blues. I ate Shrimp and Grits, Shrimp Creole, Smoked Turkey and Alligator Sausage Gumbo, Begniets and Mango Freeze, washed down with iced and hot Cafe au Lait. I made a

I was kinda getting tired of so many stories with the same details rehashed over and over as outlets realized the entertainment value....

I know this story is very entertaining, but for me it raises more and more questions every time new details come out.

The sad irony is that they have little concern for actual child abuse. Once the child is out of the womb: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯  

Aw, I’m glad he’s okay. I just recently lost my 94-year-old grandpa and I miss him so much. I just want the nonagenarian grandpas of the world to be okay, royal or not.

Per Snopes:

Please tell me we’re not going to see this image over and over and over again as some sort of proof of god and his goodness and the strength of his will and bla bla bla ....