Not really the same. You see, you're not supposed to write on a wall, that's vandalism, however comments are usually enabled on websites and blogs, meaning you're ok with people writing on your wall.
Not really the same. You see, you're not supposed to write on a wall, that's vandalism, however comments are usually enabled on websites and blogs, meaning you're ok with people writing on your wall.
Looks like a nice game, but returning a missile with just a wave of his hand is too much HP for my taste.
Looks like the last one never got out of that room...
Yeah, a walkman, grounds for expulsion.
The bottom will still burn. That creates a swirl, but only near the surface, also, this should be tested with sauce, not just water.
Oh, yeah, because back in the day we didn't bring walkmans or stereos to school, right?
Chinese militia training.
That's for rookies.
I say it can be done, with a very well calculated trajectory. However, I've been having problems finding someone to test my theory. :P
Actually all calls are recorded, and stored for a limited amount of time.
Duuude, don't you know they fly over there?
Aw...the url doesn't work. :(
Well, he does sound like a douche, but I would like to know how many people of other races has he saved on the line of duty.
Don't you mean cockfidence?
Because we usually just want to screw her, and are not thinking about kids or the future.
I'm gonna have myself be buried with a helmet and neck protector.
Not where I come from.
Yeah, and if you're a driver, you would be very aware that there's no way you can get from the driver's seat over the passengers seat (gear stick) and get out of the car that fast.
How did you go from A to B with your reasoning, I don't know.