Think! aka anotherburner111122223333

Yearround DST is called changing timezones.

DST ‘yearround’ isn’t a thing. It’s called changing timezones. What you really want is for your area to shift into the next timezone. OR, to change the timezones all together.

I don’t understand. This doesn’t seem to resemble the NASCAR version that’s already been released. What’s the deal?

Nope. No arguing. All opinion.

Thanks. Now I know I didn’t survive. For the good of the universe.

Twice for me. Definitely something one should do.

The couple looks small enough to be it's hood ornament...

“He uses Siri during the day...” That’s why you only disable it during actual recording. And then reenanble it during the rest of the day.

That sounds like a terrible setup...

2 interiors, 2 trims, 3 wheels, and 6 colors!

Let it go...

So glad i didn’t read this before watching. I love the unexpected and hate trailers.


Just walked into Best Buy at 7pm EDT and grabbed 1 of last 3. Quite a few were sitting on shelf tagged for pickup still. I’m tellin’ ya. It either wasn’t well announced (on purpose?) Or people have moved on....

Just walked into Best Buy at 7pm EDT. Got 1 of last 3.


I think I even remember reading /that/ article. And thought someone quoted “fall” for the NES...

Dangerous? Possibly. Violent? No. I recommend looking up the word. If it were actually “violent”, I’m sure the police would have handled it differently.

“. So when the NES Classic Edition goes on sale again tomorrow...”

Just in case you didn’t already understand, a 2-person tent only fits 2 people if they are confortable sleeping in a queen bed together. With no room for any other stuff you may want/need to have inside.

Just in case you didn’t already understand, a 2-person tent only fits 2 people if they are confortable sleeping in a