
Do you think he knows he is being an idiot? Like, ok so Kesha was crazy but after a while we realized maybe she's just a genius because as annoying/terrible/dumb her songs were we couldn't stop singing them.... do you think Lochte is a genius and selling "sex idiot" on purpose? Or is he a true sex idiot frat boy? I


Couldn't do it. The trailer made me ill enough

Yup. I'd like to see is he has tattoos elsewhere... not that I'll see those either

How about respect, though. Would you feel comfortable saying something like respect is deserved? I think that there must, or at least should, be something we can point to that unites us all, right?

Oh no! Hahahaha


This is a great response. I have a problem when people look at my tattoo and think they understand it (oh it's tiny! on your foot? what a wimp. was it on vacay??? lol) tattoo devotees and non alike :/

"Don't want to hear from the "tattoo artists" that say it is an art form that has been around for ages. So has graffiti, doesn't make it art."


I hope you never wear any makeup to defile your naturally beautiful self. Isn't your face good enough? Down with SEPHORA!

meaningful and eloquent responses in an odd situation LaComtesse!

We did Killer Queen in my female collegiate a cappella group... so much sashaying (try singing all those slides and not swooshing) So now whenever I hear it I still move haha

Wow he even broke up the beatboxing

she hasn't even gotten to the statue of David... Won't SOMEBODY PLEASE think of the children??

Zooborns is incredible and I spread word of it all the time!

Yes, this is an important debate (and one I turn to especially after reading Steubenville articles) Sea Otters will always have my heart but this pup is certainly winning some points! :)

the day you are allowed to touch a sea otter, remember your old friends here on Jez and invite us!?

I ask this A LOT. WHAT DID THESE OTHER JERKS DO THAT WAS SO GREAT?? HUH? I just want to hold an otter's hand... that's all world... c'mon

Thank you! I was like, can I have a brochure or something since you haven't given me any info?! haha The way he started his comment about big drain on healthcare etc he made it sound like maybe this was a big decision for MY care because the process would be hard but when I asked he said 5 min and that's when I