
Wow, he sure was more muscular than I remembered back in 2001... :thinking_face:

I am out of the greys and v. proud to be a trusted access user.

“Secretarial work? We can’t do it—find some woman on taskrabbit to redact the pdf.”

I hope she made him learn a lot

Gruden just trying out the whole Mike Singletary, move down the field with 10 guys, getting penalized all the way, school of coaching. 

I spent some time on Zillow, and I’m here to tell you that Chris Garrett is coaching the team now. I don’t doubt you went to a basketball game, but I think you might just be mixed up about when it was.

Probably there’s gonna be a QB controversy when Goodell ends Johnny Manziel’s 6-year suspension tomorrow

No, that was really everything I’d ever seen in chrome ever open at once 

Lol. I can only log into kinja on this browser, and the tabs are tied to my work desktop I think

Maybe she should send Colin Powell and George Tenet to manage the draft scouting in case she needs some fall guys

That’s what you get for building your stadium on an Indian burial ground”

I mean, I also think David Carr would fail to connect that pass

JK Simmon’s reax when he realizes “the woman from the gym” is still alive is one of my favorite comic moments. That and, “The Russians?”

Legitimately shocked no wakandans made the cut 

Jameis, how many times do we need to talk through the Wunderlic?! You NEVER spend three minutes on a question. Just move on.

good interaction between post & handle

That batted ball/illegal formation onside kick was peak Lions. (I mean, it was a GOOD Lions play, but Matthew Stafford always reminds me of a guy who has to give the final pitch at a work meeting but was playing candy crush when you discussed the plan)

I mean, time is a flat circle, and Coach Kiffin is gonna really change the 2020-2021 Raiders culture. 

What’s the risk of heaving it deep, anywhere on the field—that the other team will accidentally not intercept it?

Yeah, that was really well played