
According to, Brazil’s homicide rate with firearms has held relatively steady since 2000 at about 18-19 per 100,000. However their overall homicide rate has increased from 26.7 per 100,000 in 2000 to 29 per 100,000 as of 2012. Both the overall homicide rate and the firearms homicide rate in the US has

Gun violence is an epidemic

You said “every single country”. You didn’t say “every single country except Brazil”. And perhaps you should look to your own country before talking about what a hellhole ours is. When your police forces aren’t going around executing street kids maybe I’ll think about accepting your criticism, but I wouldn’t hold my

Oh please, every single country that banned guns completely reported less mass murders and gun homicides.

Japan also has a culture that has been steeped in the idea of civilians not being allowed to have weapons of any kind, due to generations of draconian responses to civilians with weapons. Like summary executions. They also have nothing like our Fourth and Fifth Amendment rights, so they and their homes can be searched

Alternate title:

I’m guessing he thinks they should pull themselves up by their bootstraps.

Maybe it would give USians a better appreciation of the third world problems, as well as give them an opportunity to shed a few pounds with the exercise...

That’s actually a pretty popular argument around here, provided the wrong is being done to the right people.

Meanwhile, John Norman of Gor series fame is still not fired and a professor in New York.

The “proudly politically incorrect” are the biggest whiny-ass babies in existence. They always want other people to toughen up, but go after one of their sacred cows and they completely lose their shit.

Abraham could just as easily be putting a nice cheese spread on a Kishka.

In essence, they want something handed to them that other people have to earn and they want to take by force or coercion that which they are not worthy of being given.

You probably couldn’t define psychopath without googling it, you just reach for that term because it gets a reaction, allows you to paint someone as dangerously amoral. You know, just like when anti-choice moral scolds refer to women seeking abortions as “sluts”.

At the end of the day though, he’s a person with a dick and, as such, there is only so much they are capable of understanding or caring about the issue. For women, it’s an unavoidable part of life. It’s not just another issue to have a position on like it is for men.

Thank you for that. I need to find the actual video with sound now.

Best thing you can do is just ignore the slew of, “If you’d just properly examine your life and choices and educate yourself a bit, you’d realize how smart I am and how wrong you were to ever disagree with me.” comments. It’s not about any kind of care for you, it’s about them needing validation and if they can’t get

I don’t agree with Williamson a whole hell of a lot, but that is an excellent takedown of the whole “cars are more restricted than guns” bullshit narrative.

Still looks like hot garbage. And sorry, Bohemian Rhapsody is overused to the point where it’s almost insulting that they’d use it to try and build hype. Almost all the performances seem horribly wooden, especially the cliche “voices in my head” bit from Robbie. I actually have even less desire to go see this than I

After the utter silliness of “Smile Time”(which I still loved), “A Hole in the World” fucking broke me. The despair just got deeper and deeper until the point where Angel and Spike discover they can’t save Fred without killing hundreds of thousands of people.