
Came here for this. Was not disappointed.

Yeah, I don’t see most of the EO as unreasonable either. I also absolutely agree with Sanders that the whole discussion is entirely too tribal (even though I don’t entirely agree with his positions on the issue, though I suspect some of his recent changes are his hand being forced by the Clinton campaign). There are

Although I wholeheartedly agree with you about the idiocy that daesh would actually do anything of consequence here in the US, I doubt that you and I have the same definition of “reasonable”. Though that may be a conditioned response to years of hearing the word “reasonable” used as a stand-in for “whatever we want,

Daesh scumbags prefer to use explosives anyway. Rubio’s just playing to his base, just like Stassa’s playing to her audience with this, “Look, one o’them crazy gun nuts said something crazy!” routine.

No, it really isn’t. All the people responding yes and seemingly speaking for all of us Americans are almost entirely against private ownership of firearms, therefore they have a vested interest in blowing things out of proportion and playing up to the stereotype of America as a lawless, bloodsoaked warzone.

Note to self: Add more missile turrets to settlements.

On the one hand, yeah, I might like to see them explaining themselves.

This exactly. I have a few close friends who are trans and all I can do is empathize because even with some of the horrible shit I’ve been through it doesn’t even come close to what they deal with on the daily.

Being transgender is not like being bulimic, you festering dickzit.

Oh it’s not just the State House. I actually ran into one that may have just randomly spawned, up North near the beachside cottage (I think). I’m just walking along with Nick when it came up out of the water like something from Pacific Rim. Definitely not a happy moment.

No registration, no bans, gives joe gun owner a useful tool, everyone is happy.

Most likely, they will attempt to cast the net as wide as possible until they hit opposition. And I think that’s going to cost them when it comes to the people who realize that mentally ill people are the victims of crime far more often than they are the perpetrators.


Glad to see I am not the only one concerned for the spider’s safety. Poor things shatter like glass if they fall from a height like that.

That would be fucking hilarious, actually.

Same. There’s no reason to escalate this to a shootout. They didn’t even bring basic supplies with them, because they’re morons. My guess is, one of them psyched the rest up into doing this so much that they didn’t stop to think about how it was going to play out. Most likely, law enforcement figured out that these

Oh I know the idiots are still holding that pretty much worthless building, but now the reason they claimed they were doing so in the first place is null. They look even more stupid than they all ready did, which saps a huge amount of credibility from their cause and has probably also put a gigantic hole in their will

This is going to be a huge disappointment to all the people who were hoping this would turn into a slaughter.

(spoiler alert: It doesn’t actually rain all the time, Hawaii far more rain than we do)

Agreed. I have the suit that I stole from the Corvega plant raider at Red Rocket and I can’t do shit with it until I use the console to reset ownership, otherwise everybody gets all judgey about it.