
I imagine that’s where our modern idiots got the idea from, along with the persistent legend that General Pershing used such tactics against Muslim rebels in the Philippines.

If the rest of this story isn’t here when I get home from work, I will be sad.

What an absolute piece of shit that guy is.

Sure, they’ll probably laugh at you just like the folks at the mosque laughed at the idiot who baconed their door.

The one thing they fail to understand is that you can’t make a Muslim person “unclean” by force, ie. “bullet coated in pig fat” or some other dumb shit like that. But, you pretty much have to be dogshit stupid to be a bigot in the first place.

And congratulations to you too, for expending more energy on bragging about not reading something than it would have taken you to read it. Very edge, bro.

Welcome to Gawker, where if five or six awful people out of an entire group can be found, that entire group will be condemned in the worst terms possible.

You’re not alone. I was also unable to walk out for similar reasons. All I can think of is that I was unconsciously picking up the Mark Millar stank coming off of the movie and that prevented me from enjoying it for even a second.

Yeah it’s a real fucking shame nobody gave you a bunch of dead bodies you could blame on every single firearms owner.

But this is the future of housing development!

Honestly I think many of the people making the “mindless consumerist” accusations are doing the “punch down at the people I hate so I feel better about my own shitty life” thing.

Who’s better in the Pursuit of Happiness, the person with a ton of stuff, or the person without.

And that’s pretty much what nobody’s considering. The infrastructure supporting that population now is struggling. What happens when it has a major failure?

You’re definitely not the only one. Pretty much everybody in my household refers to her as “River Sue”, since she seems to keep developing plot-specific abilities she never had before.

So what you’re saying is, “she was asking for it”?

I’ve had that happen once since installing True Storms. In-game, it sounds like a looping issue with one of the sound files from the mod, but I’m not 100% sure.

Assault gas mask. Raiders drop these occasionally and they do actually offer radiation resistance.

The Civil War ended 150 years ago.

Sadly, nothing is ever good enough for them.