
I’m not terribly worried about it. The only way it’s going to happen on any kind of serious scale is if the gun control crowd can manage to break themselves out of their current routine of “Look you fucking morons, there were 200,000 school shootings in the past nine seconds. Don’t you question those numbers, only

In fact, when gun manufacturers tried to introduce electronic safety features, the NRA and its attack hounds got them to withhold the product from market for fear that the “guvmint” would somehow exploit the safeguards and use them against gun owners because the technology is unreliable, too delicate to use on any

It’s something of a catch-22 I think. The best way to store a gun is locked and unloaded, with the ammunition locked up as well.

It’s high time we acknowledge that our insane representatives are simply a direct reflection of the tens of millions of ignorant, racist, spiteful, and just plain Fucking stupid American populace.

Sorry, nobody here wants to hear any of that. It doesn’t demonize the right people and requires more thought than blind hatred. You’ll get more stars if you insult and denigrate millions of your fellow citizens or if you come up with a pithy one-liner.

Oh yeah, that’s one thing I hope the enemy AI never learns: do not ever take cover behind a vehicle with an on-board fusion reactor. My primary all-around gun is a fully-modded 10mm pistol with the “explosive” legendary attribute, so getting cars to go boom is ridiculously easy.

Oh gods, speaking of NPCs and walking into boobytrapped explosives:

Just a caution against hubris, something our side could use quite a bit more of these days.

I will tell you one thing they have no trouble grasping: the seething, venomous contempt aimed at them when they “don’t vote in their own interest”. Fifty or sixty years ago, they were the people liberals and socialists reached out to and stood in solidarity with. Now they’re lucky if someone expends the effort to

Ignorance and lack of education DO play a huge role in the success of populism and xenophobic and extremist movements like the Tea Party or whatever we’re calling Trump’s popularity (Trumpism?). People can cry elitism and say it’s patronising to say this but it won’t make it any less true.

And rather than assigning ignorance as the cause of the disagreement, just understand that these disagreements stem from good faith.

No one here is interested in honest and factual. The evil guns took Lennon away from them, that’s all they need to know.

Please consider for a moment that you are accepting the premise that a firearm, an inanimate object with no agency or will of its own, can somehow influence people to kill themselves by other means. Dismiss me if you will, I don’t really care one way or the other, but understand that you are investing a non-living

What’s morbid is how badly you’ve confused correlation with causation.

If the people on the list are too dangerous to board a plane, why are they walking around free? Why are they not at least in custody, being questioned?

And I guess they got their pipe bombs through the bomb show loophole, right?

Nick Valentine is all kinds of badass. I had him with me when I went to go fight Swan, and in the middle of me trying to run away from impending anchor bludgeoning Nick busted out a flamer he’d picked up during an earlier fight with raiders and did his level best to char-broil Swan. I wouldn’t have made it through

So, facts bad, lying good, name-calling good. Glad we’ve got that all sorted away. Please continue, since this brilliant strategy of “alienate anyone who disagrees” is producing pretty much the opposite of your desired results.

I love it when people who pretend to care about due process and civil liberties stop pretending and start endorsing the same things they used to oppose because gunz bad.

Somehow lots of economically-disadvantaged people maintain car and renters insurance.