
This seems to be a theme in the stories this year. I feel (and have been told as such by Elders) that sage is a technology that can be used by anyone - not only does it have spiritual significance across many cultures, but there is something really powerful about moving a wand of smoking sage around with the

Have been reading scary stories for 3 hours.


lol... Thanks! 

When I was in my early 20s, my best friend went on a trip and came back changed. She had - in a series of bizarre, improbable events - met a man who took her to an Ayahuasca ceremony, where she was told by the spirit that it was her destiny to train under a curandero, one who leads Ayahuasca ceremonies. She told me

I cut my own hair yesterday and now I literally look like Joe Exotic.

But I guess... fashion? 

Reading this made me disassociate.

Not just pass it along... sell your individual sheepstools at a profit. Barf.

I was in love with a man who was wonderful in so many ways, but would not get help for his mental health. We broke up once, after he did something deeply harmful... we got back together on the condition that he put the work in with therapy. For exactly two years he delayed and dissembled, until I understood that he

Honestly, I have been taking out a lot of feelings on old white dudes who need to be put in their place because they can’t wear a mask in Tim Hortons.

I’m not CRYING.

Also, the last year it was profitable - 2006, I believe - the Bush administration mandated that they have to have 75 years of benefits saved up.

Guys who have never had to mop up vaginal fluid after sex are doing it wrong.

Saw this, thought of youuuuu:

I fully agree - the first meeting should not just an intake where you give your life story, it’s for you to ask questions about how THEY approach their work, kinda like you are interviewing them.

You mentioned upthread you are in therapy. That implies to me that you are actively dealing with your trauma, which is something rare in men I have dated, and I want you to know that if you are going to make a $5000 investment in yourself and your ability to be a good partner to women, consider spending $5000 on some

Figuratively, PTSD is past traumas stored in the body, unconscious, somatic... My hope for every man is that they will identify and articulate what their core traumas are, because it’s so much easier for men to NOT process their traumas than it is for them to feel their vulnerable feels. It’s so much healthier to cry

Well speaking as a woman and a (white-passing) person of colour they routinely inspire me about the future of progressive, people-centred politics and remind me that I have personal power, a voice, and value beyond long hair and a smile.

Dude, first off: movie budgets include money earmarked for promotion, usually between 10-35% of the overall budget. Production company net profits are gross revenue minus all expenses, including production and development and staff. I know because it is my industry.