This is a great article on both Cobb and Shoeless Joe
This is a great article on both Cobb and Shoeless Joe
I think the bat was flipped so precisely that it flipped back into the bat storage area.
It’s not a rational thing, it’s emotional. It’s failure and squashed hopes and frustration and self-doubt and helplessness, all bubbling up in the time it takes the ball to leave the park. And then you look back, instinctively trying to find an external target for that visceral reptilian-brain poison, and there’s this…
Don’t want a dude to celebrate hitting a homer off of you? Don’t throw a shitty pitch. An internal locus of control is a great thing.
The death of baseball continues. I like watching highlights from Korean baseball where dudes have batflips down to a science.
What kills me about this is the EXACT WRONG TEAM IS APOLOGIZING!!!!
Player 1: Hey! Fuck that guy! Did you see him flip his bat!
I thought Virginia was the state that sentences you to the death penalty when you go 8 MPH over the speed limit. That would be a factor for me.
This seems an appropriate time to mention that drug and alcohol addiction is a disease, not a failure of character, and frequently a symptom of even larger psychological problems, including depression, borderline personality disorder, and others. It’s well-documented that people who grow up in the kind of situation…
Well for one the cheap wine people didn’t just write a goddamn novella telling you how wrong you are.
no dog please anything but dog. or at least allow me to shoot it in the first seconds of a game.
I’m glad these don’t happen every single game now that we have replay but no matter who the manager is I always enjoy them just getting super steamed, get tossed, and refuse to go away until they’ve wound down.
Wilson is a harmonizing guru! Such a great mind. Turn up the volume and Smile...
Just take Route 9 into downtown Kennebunkport and then take a right just past the bridge next to Allison’s Restaurant and follow Ocean Ave. If you drive into the ocean or get shot by the Secret Service you’ve gone to far.
I also find it interesting the derision one gets when one hates things that the “internet” universally loves: bacon, Jennifer Lawrence, Arrested Development, Chris Pratt, etc. Although then there’s backlash, and backlash to backlash, and everyone cannibalizes each other.
From the way a lot of the wights were fighting as pincushions with the number of arrows stuck in them I’d say they’d just keep going unless they were fully incapacitated - all limbs cut off, decapitated, head destroyed etc, so there would be no need to re-reanimate them. If they’re in a condition to fight, they will…
Lesson for you: Shade is a term that originated in the black queer community and I know it’s been legit in the lexicon since the houses of drag in NYC circa 70’s. I always heard it from Drag Queens and other performers. It is about being WAY more subtle than a burn but I get why you think that.…
You are in contempt of Shade Court!
Yeah, that movie and novel are just about the most depressing thing you will ever see and read. I read the book in 2 sittings and I think it caused irreparable harm to my psyche. Colors just don’t seem as bright anymore.
Super not a good first date movie. Newp.