No Oddjob

FYI, everyone, this comment is in response to a NSFW comment.

So does this kind of shit-posting get you fired, or is there literally no one with a relevance approval button on this whole goddamn website these days?

So edgy and contrary! Get me on this non-conformist bandwagon before it’s too late for me to not-fit-in!

Am I really the only reader on this site that sees him clearly looking at and shaking hands with someone out of frame as his daughter passes into frame? She’s even watching him doing it and laughing in response before giving him the lifeless arm rub. There was no rejection here. But don’t let me interrupt the circle

Well said. I had to skip past the army of point-whiffers to reply, but well-said.

The governor of Florida said something to the effect of “it’s not just about your lives, but the lives of the first responders who may have to come rescue you.” Shep Smith leaned a little hard on his statement, but he’s trying to appeal

I’m often the first one to point out that J.K.’s success has allowed her to become quite neatly wedged crown-to-colon, but at the same time, I’m tired of this ‘appropriation vs allegory’ codswallow. Let’s all just calm down.

Also, JK made it perfectly clear what she thinks of US politics (ie, not much) in Half-Blood

I’m handy with a screwdriver, so I can stretch a hundred-dollar vacuum for at least 7 years without paying for repairs, but I bought into the Dyson hype. Worst financial decision I ever made, in terms of return on investment. That thing was (and still is) a giant pile of garbage. Over-engineered like an Edsel - if one

Two weeks ago I was looking for some LED lighting solutions, and every single review was as follows:

“Great product! Didn’t work when I received it, but a replacement is on the way! I received this product in return for an unbiased review. 4/5 stars.”

Indiana, here. Yesterday my daughter’s elementary school instituted a lock-out with increased police presence because of creepy clowns in the area.

I have no irrational fear of clowns. The old “Clown Torture” exhibit at the Chicago Art Institute years ago made me laugh. When I found out about these pranksters, I

Oh My God. Shut the f*ck up.

Aaaand scene!


I got as far as, “Hear me out.”

It’s weird because there’s decent suction through the tube, but the rollers pick up nothing, despite all the seals being snapped together. I’ve taken it apart and looked for junk in the way, and there’s nothing.

Also, the fixed rubber lining on the front of the unit just pushes things away and keeps them from going

The day I bought a Dyson, my wife was so happy. The day I replaced it with something else she was so much happier.

You get back in your A-wing!

Haha! Stupid white trash! Let’s laugh at how stupid they are!

Now do literally every other “sport”...

NBC was a harsh mistress. I’m finally out of that abusive relationship.

Somewhere between Batman the Animated Series and the Tim Burton motion picture is the sweet spot for me.

I am broken hearted... no seriously, it hardened and then broke.