Lionel Hutz Esq.

Next to himself as Luke, in the most expensive “twin” shot ever committed to film, with a list of 225 visual artist and computer specialist in the credits dedicated to that one shot.  

Get a treatment into Kathleen Kennedy before the end of the week.  It’s brilliant, and exactly the kind of creative thinking today’s Hollywood wants!

Will it answer the question of how Beru got blue space seacow milk on a desert planet?

People voted for Trump.  This is not something that should be encouraged by a society.  

These people must be stopped.

POGs have always been relevant. In POG form.  

Imagine if NBC had been smart and had kept The Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt and paired them up together. I might be the smartest hour of comedy since Taxi and Barney Miller were on together.

That’s what we say now days. But in reality, it was the slave trade.

Having finally seen the movie, and catching up, the Canto Bight plot didn’t bother me, perhaps because it does seem to be the one point of common criticism and I was expecting it. It’s a nice break, where stakes are low, between the big stuff. A little more humor would have been nice, given the pathos.

Which is why I’ve stayed around. But that doesn’t mean I won’t push for change, especially as the changes that would make everyone happy are simple, easy changes to make, as has been proven.

They felt they were pushed out, and have a very persuasive argument. I’ve been here since before comments.I was here before Zodiac Mother F#cker. This place had a great commenter community. Go read a Star Trek review and its comment thread, and see how much you learn, and how much you laugh. There are a few who

As long as none of them cary a real gun or plan to/hold elected office, I think you have a good point.  

Your exception is well thought out and limited.  I will allow it.  

Please tell me what difference there is in sound quality, comfort, or any other measure between the two. There is a reason if you look inside most recording studios, they use Sony monitors. They are comfortable and have great sound reproduction. You can throw $300 at a set of cans, but you are doing it just to say

Please tell me what difference there is in sound quality, comfort, or any other measure between the two. There is a

Improvements that need to be made to the A.V. Club and Kinja to improve page views, bring back readers, and revive the community:

Here are a list of resolutions that the A.V. Club should undertake to improve itself (As various people have proven, none of this is hard to do. Sean, you and the Kinja team promised you were listening to our complaints. It’s time to show actual progress on that commitment, and put some effort into making this site

There are more of us than you would think.

You are so on point. The kinja problems with comments can be fixed by extensions and additions to your browser (although that just proves that it could be easily done within Kinja if anyone just gave a damn).

For those of you using Chrome, get Kinjamprove. Here’s the link:

For those of you using Chrome, get Kinjamprove. Here’s the link: