Lionel Hutz Esq.

I know. The last time I saw vulnerability and insecurity like that hiding underneath a raging need to impress everyone was when I was hanging out with Meryl Streep in the pool at Matthew McConaughey’s house when he threw this exclusive party for Millie Bobby Brown.

I’m going to get a cactus instead.

The great thing about any Bob’s Burgers holiday special is how well they capture the heart of the holiday in question, and how the family revolves around that holiday. Can anyone say that they wouldn’t be happy to have this episode on in the background during Thanksgiving itself? The only small draw back is that

“Sailors in our mouth

Trump refused to pardon the turkeys and fondled their waddles?

They say the graphic designers at FOX News were all driven insane doing graphics for Sean Hannity.

When your desire to launch a political witch hunt against a person is based upon a chart drawn up by Milhouse VanHouten, you know you need to up your meds.

Except that Gohmert linked Obama to Obama via Ben Rhodes, when everyone knows the link is Kenya!

Whatever they are paying him, it still is hard being the only honest person doing actual news at FOX News.

“If you’ve lost Hannity, you’ve lost a hateful moronic hypocritical smug semi-sentient potato the Republican base.”

And Hitler. At least according to FOX News.

It was a different time back then. Milhouse’s conspiracy is so simple. So innocent. So naive. Louis Gohmert scoffs at it.

They said, by the end of the project, the graphic designer had gone completely mad.

That’s how you know this chart is complete bull. Obama is related to Obama via Ben Rhodes, while everyone knows it is Kenya.

Oh, somewhere in this favoured land the sun is shining bright, 

The band is playing somewhere, and somewhere hearts are light;

And somewhere men are laughing, and somewhere children safely hid,

But there is no joy in Hannity—mighty Moore molested kids.

They just couldn’t keep Max from humping any leg that came into range.

I know, but I never understood the spider’s motivation for committing murder, or ever why it was on the Orient Express to begin with?

Poirot was just a manifestation of the narrator’s subconscious that came out whenever he fell asleep.

Old enough to have seen it Freshman year in high school in the ‘80s on VHS, where they simply fast forwarded (on an old VHS machine), so that you really couldn’t see anything as it was all squiggly. So sad.

He had been known for his Hamlet on the stage for years, it just took until he was older until it got committed to film. But is anyone ever young enough to play Hamlet? He’s a student, so, somewhere between 17-25? I give him credit for playing his Henry V at the same age as Henry (29).