Lionel Hutz Esq.

The important point is that we are getting a Carol Burnett special.

Going from praise to throwing someone under the bus in less than a day on Twitter must be a record somewhere, right?

The Thanksgiving episode will feature Teddy’s family, apparently.

Eleanor has always done what is easy. She was a natural at scamming old people, so she did that. But if something required her to commit or actually push herself she dropped it and went to the next thing. That was Michael’s point. In Michael’s “Good Place,” she didn’t do that. For some reason (Chidi), she is

A very good choice. Ian McShane would also work.

See, I took the scene differently. Eleanor was disappointed in Chidi’s reaction. She was hoping there was a spark there. After all this is the one person she has ever, apparently, really loved. But when Chidi says he doesn’t have feeling for her, she goes defensive and closes herself up (a classic Shelshrop move,

Given that Janet and Jason couldn’t figure out sex, and she gave Derek windchimes, it seems highly possible that she might not have genitalia herself. After all, she doesn’t have skin (although she does use time as a lotion).

Still, you have to give Rowling credit for pulling off four more books after killing Potter off in the second chapter of the third book.

So, I only had time to watch the first three episodes last weekend. When does Eleven go from looking like Jesse Eisenberg to goth?

And she goes to a store that sells Pepsi products. Why does the A. V. Club insist on spoiling everything!!!!

Because then people would know how many people have been imprinted with Netflix’s secret mind control devices before they are ready to launch their plan for world domination.

That scene so taught me to like baked beans.

Am I the only one who hopes they get the whole Futurama gang together after the trilogy is complete to do a parody of all of this?

All that matters is that it looks like it will be a lot of fun. That’s all I ask for from a Star Wars movie.

Thing is, Kylo has been a big Harry Potter fan since he was a kid, and he is hoping the scar will turn into something sexy like it did for Harry.

I always give Polanski some leeway given his tragic history, California in the ‘70s, and that I know of no other incidents since the ‘70s. Not that he should be forgiven or forgotten, but I feel it can be put behind us.

The idea of pronographic arcade games just seems weird, but apparently they are just versions of Qix where you uncover mild naked pictures. Still weird, but hardly hideous. I have a feeling bin Laden was just downloading the full MAME rom pack available at the time.

And this is a guy that had, what, like six wives? Imagine what Trump’s search list is like, given he has only one wife that hates being near him. Really, how many videos turn up when you search “Small hands small dick.”

Trust me, unless you like stuff that is really dark, no, you don’t.

Without religious fundamentalist, the porn industry wouldn’t exist.