Lionel Hutz Esq.

Finally, Donald Trump can be incoherent in twice as many characters.

Through this point, each episode has represented one day. So I assume we were seeing Nancy the next day when she is late for school.

Improvements that need to be made to the A.V. Club and Kinja to improve page views, bring back readers, and revive the community:

But then how can you have sex with the bodies?

When we first started watching Rick & Morty, after “The Lawnmower Dog” aired, I had to dig out my DVDs to show my girlfriend the retainer episode. They go so well together.

I was 24 and loved it. Between Eerie, Indiana and Dinosaurs, the early 90s were great for supposed kids shows on network TV that were great for adults. See also, Animaniacs et al.

I have it on good authority that Parker Lewis can’t lose.

I think that the problem with Hopper as surrogate father/family for El is that he has lost a daughter already. It would be easy to be over protective given the real threats that El faces, but thrown in Hopper’s history, I’m surprised he has made it a year and she hasn’t tried to escape.

I keep thinking that people are jumping ahead of the story. At this point, I would think Dustin’s actions might be explained by some sort of psychic link with Dart, or some sort of mind control/pheromonal reaction/hypnosis/call-it-what-you-will phenomenon.

With Dart going full size and eating cats

I’m going with Lost Boys era Keifer. And if someone doesn’t yell at him to “sweep the leg” at some point, I will be terribly disappointed.

I thought she did a great job. I’ve seen that kind of drunk. My only problem is that I think she would have been in a lot worse shape the next day, given how drunk she was and that she doesn’t apparently drink much.

Stop saying “Helas” all the time, Alien Jesus!

But ... Dan Aykroyd has been dead for over thirty years now . . . .

It is a well known fact that the word “Belgium” is the worse thing you can say in most of the civilized galaxy.

Feces covered pigs might be a bit unappetising, but you really don’t want to see what was used in their pre-1945 recipe.

If anyone knows a better sweetener than the tears of child-slave laborers, I’d like to hear it.

That must be their model, but it seems foolish. Why not try to keep the people once they get here by having an inviting front page? It really wouldn’t take that much work or resources. It’s just laziness to leave things as they are.

Richie Cunningham could not be reached for comment.

My my, hey hey