Lionel Hutz Esq.

Just wait for Titanic II-V, release dates 2025-2033.

The original Avatar was a rip off of an old Rocky & Bullwinkle plot, so, sure.

So we’re not making Avatar 2. We’re making Avatar 2, 3, 4 and 5. It’s an epic undertaking. It’s not unlike building the Three Gorges dam.

Check back in in a bit. There have been improvements over today, and I hate to see you gone from the comments if they get this to work.

I just multiply every upvote I get by 66 to take into account all those who don't comment.

You have to remember, most of the comments are actually generated by a simple computer program, while the rest are produced by paid commenters located in Bangladesh.

That's what they want you to think.

"Tacos on the toilet! Why doesn't everyone do this!"

I trusted the A. V. Club, and they let me down. Now I don't believe in anything! I'm going to law school!!!

Agreed. If you click through, have comments on the bottom.

"Winter is coming. This summer, on HBO!" TM

And she even only hate fucks him.

Trump is probably going to do an investigation into Biggie's death at the same time he investigates Obama spying on him and the 5-million fraudulent votes.

Fallon's a comedian? Other than himself, who finds him funny?

Apparently someone thought making them annoying and hard to read would encourage commenting.

Even here at The A.V. Club, our political coverage (as it were) routinely outdraws everything else by thousands of pageviews; there’s the pervasive sense that right now audiences are only interested in things that directly engage with the world—whose incipient collapse they can’t take their eyes off for a

You would think they would start with "Be funny" before "Be more political."

Alice is trying to hide her deep indebtedness to Russian banks too?

Shouldn't Luke have gone with something Zen, like "What is the color of a discharged lightsaber (TM)?"

Lucas is right, the whole thing would have been much better if it simply followed the bureaucracy of the Empire. Film IX could be filled with a 45 minute montage of form filing.