Lionel Hutz Esq.

She probably just popped into being immaculate, with high metachlorians, as is the tendency in this galaxy.

They really missed their chance. They should have gone with:

Eszterhas will probably sue for plagiarism, but still, get the HBO CEO of Tits on the line so we can take a meeting!

It's not the same character? Seems like a hollow victory at best.

< cough > Trump's hands < cough >

You don't get addicted to marijuana because of any of the chemicals in it. You may become psychologically addicted to it, like you may become addicted to running or anything else you use to deal with life and its foibles.

And that friend grew up to be Cheech Marin.

Schwarzenegger was a poor governor, but at least he wasn't a self-absorbed joke.

Let's face it, faith based cinema is really in need of more evil lesbians, emasculating women, and tits.

Seems like they are just cashing in on everything. Capitalist sell outs!

If My So-Called President walked on water, it would be because of all the pollution he allowed to be dumped in it.

I thought it might be Milkie too based upon the description, but then it would have been a much darker episode, with Millie playing a character like Edward Norton in Primal Fear.

"Forbidden conversation …

All I know about Marshmallow is she comes and goes as she pleases, she answers to no one, and she is truly free

Devote the entire fucking site to promoting the exact same Political Agenda that "SNL" and the rest of the Left Machine is promoting these days.

Move to a state that has legal pot while that's still possible

Cookie Monster and Zodiac Motherfucker are nothing to you????

If they didn't want to be killed, they shouldn't be brown.

I can't wait until they release all the books telling about the coked up, behind the scenes exploits of the A. V. Club.

The A. V. Club