Lionel Hutz Esq.

Sean Hannity has had many run-ins with bears in Central Park.

It's on my card, can't you see
No, money down
no contingency fee

If only DeVos had shot her husband, thinking he was a bear.

The life of watching Repo Man is always intense.

$235 an hour, and we can talk.

Shhhh! The Russians are listening.


He would have needed to take a left when he hit Albuquerque.

And the percentage used decreases as the movie goes along.

Miller was a libertarian who went conservative after 9/11, and got worse when he found it could make him money. Lucky for him, the American right has no sense of humor, so they don't notice he lost his ability to tell jokes decades ago.

Was the surgery performed in a house?
Did the doctor use a mouse?
Did he cut into the box?
Was he assisted by a fox?
Did your father take ill upon a boat?
Was the Anesthesiologist a goat?

My father just snuck off and had sex with Judy Blume.

And then was transported to a land where gravestones ruled and used him as a marker for the tomb of their greatest writer?

I'm pretty sure Kate was just going to read some comments from Zodiac Motherfucker

I've heard that Betsy DeVos has decided to have the Fifty Shades books act as the foundation of her cannon as Education Secretary, as they represent the best writing she has ever been able to read.

FOX News has decided that all judges that rule against "45,"no mater how reasoned their decision and how clearly they lay it out, are simply playing politics. The only good judges are ones that agree with "45" without question.

Trump has time for whiny tweets, but still has not sent condolences to Canada for the white supremacist terrorist attack they had.

All right, I'm lost. Bob Odenkirk is Saul. Will is GOB Bluth.

This is all interesting, but no one answered the important question: Is he back?

All dogs go to heaven.