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    Neutral: Why does this scare me a little? Perhaps because it incentivizes automakers to continually drive up prices, whilst your average middle income families are barely, if at all, keeping up with inflation. So you could wind up with a nation full of people who can only afford lease payments. Thereby creating a

    Since when do they even HAVE water to label?

    What I find interesting is that virtually every comment in this thread is firmly in disbelief. Including myself.

    As fair skinned fellow, I fully endorse this product.

    I used to work 3rd shift at a grocery store and saw the dawn of the triple coupon craze. People would come in at 4am and try to buy the most odd number or random things. The one that sticks out in my mind the most is a rather aggressive woman who purchased something like 5 dozen bottles of mustard. No one questioned

    I hope, for all our sakes, it is empirically wrong. Anecdotally, I have found that it is correct.

    It's why I didn't balk at Leto's iteration of the Joker. I was proven gloriously wrong with Ledger, and I am glad for it.

    the GMT800 in Z71 trim might be my favorite suburban.

    Based on the replies below, it seems like this guy is a repeat offender, but it is definitely weird to have a state law of that nature. My HOA has a stipulation about vehicles with invalid license plates being "stored" in the driveway, but cares infinitely more about no street parking and no parking in your own yard.

    Strange that most conservatives are not conservationists.

    Neutral: It’s such a strange paradigm in which car ownership exists. Having a stripped down 3 series CPO for $25K will always carry more “clout” than a new fully loaded Ford Fusion, which will sticker for upwards of $40K. Personally I don’t think paying the luxury tax is worth it unless you A) want to impress people

    This is the correct answer.

    Reluctant NP because I can cross "Mid Engined Italian Sports Car" off my automotive ownership bucket list in short order. Might be better off to import the Euro spec one though.

    Did you have a number in mind as to what you thought it was worth?

    Huh. I’m one of these Millennials I keep hearing about. I watched more of Rio than any Olympics in the last 20 years.

    I think there’s a bit of truth to that, but I’d reduce it down to image more than anything else. And that is a detail that would transcend generations. Why spend 50 Grand on the, admittedly bonkers good, Camaro when I can get a car with more brand clout for the same spend, with more interior refinements?

    I always forget that the Frontier exists.

    Y no manuel?!?!?!?!?

    I think I understand grounded to the ground now.

    I don’t think so. But my experience with fast cars is fairly limited so this thing felt like a rocket ship. A Viggen would have melted my face.