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    1999-2000 year model Saab 9-3. The one with the liftback hatch. This was circa 2006. I found one literally down the road from my house and went for a drive. I fell in love with the turbo powaaaahh and it was a low-cost low-mileage example. I all but begged my dad to help my no-credit having 19 year old self get a

    Caught in a landslide, no escape from reality.

    *existential terror intensifies*

    It’s an interesting contrast we like to make when invoking 3rd world problems to give perspective to 1st world problems, but it certainly doesn’t change the fact that the Dollar doesn’t go as far as it used to, hence apparent first world problems for many. I am not sure why that is, but the cost of living in the US

    Soooo...safe to say a 7 figure price tag now?

    I think it’s worth noting, because many people are critical of the method in which the payment was delivered, that sanctions currently imposed on Iran prevented them from having access to the world’s major banks, IIRC, so a wire transfer wasn’t exactly feasible.

    All it needs a little blue pill (you know, so It can get some wood) and we're good to go! NP

    Yeah I was mostly just kidding. People take it too seriously.

    I was mostly just kidding man.

    A manual e46 M3 would be an investment at this point. As long as you don't drive and nothing breaks.

    *sips tepid coffee*

    Boy these slacks ain't getting any looser.

    Man. Sorry to see you go. You and Freddy got me hooked on Jalopnik once upon a time. Here’s to your new venture, hopefully I’ll catch your articles while searching for cars to buy that my wife will summarily reject.


    It was a joke.

    What you did there. I see it.

    COTD: Plagiarism edition.

    You know how when you were a kid and in the car with your mom and you asked “can we stop and get ice cream?” and she said “we’ll see”? Knowing damn well you weren't getting ice cream?

    ...or die tryin?