
An obvious error...why are you all so bent out of shape?

@Slinkytech: Man...i hope i dont reach that level. We may be doomed though! lol

@SparklyJesus: I heard somewhere before that HIV is actually an "offspring" so to speak of the SIV virus. It was the chipanzee (sp) version of the virus. During the search for the cure for poliovirus, chipanzee parts were used that were infected with SIV and given to population in West African. Years later this is the

@ckcallen: True...but he knows that most of his responses to private emails, such as the one above, usually become "public".

@deciBels: He may realize that there is a problem...but its not with "reception" per se. I get the same problem with my sure there will be an update to iOS4 and the problem will go away.

@OMG! British Dinosaur!: i feel you on that note. But to enter the home "because of open beer on the counter" strikes me as odd. If its public intoxication then arrest him outside. He went in to grab his license according to the report...not like he was making a run for it lol. Some cops/people interpret the law

Did i miss something? Since when was it against the law to have beer in your house?

Why does the article start out "no camera science" c'mon now...we are only talking about dropping a phone on concrete...

@unclemeat79: this looks like Simon Cowell...on steroids lol