
freedom is a right

First obamacare, now obamatow???

Yeah new testament god totally hung his kid out to dry, so he ain’t much better.

To be fair the entire 2015/2016 GOP experience could be summarized by “WTF?”.

I’m sorry for the rough times in your life that have left you so unable to piece together a logical sentence or to assess incoming political propaganda with any degree of skepticism.

Well he was either an idiot his whole life or senility kicked in before his first election, take your pick.

You think Gawker had anything to do with kasich being so fucking bad he couldn’t beat trump? LOL

Yeah that’s where I stopped also.

Wow, you got a well-deserved gawker beat down. Go upstairs and see if your mom can make you a grilled-cheese sandwich.

Your last para makes no sense. bitcoin is just a shared currency without a government mandate. this means that bitcoin has really no value. also bitcoin will not alter (ok well will significantly enhance) the value of financial intermediaries if it becomes more popular (i.e. used for more than buying shit off silk

So it’s basically a scam and you just hope some fool will come along and pay you for it, right?


Who gives a fuck whether he invented useless bitcoin?

If they made this like intersteller civ where you could meet other species and either get cluster fucked or ally and get tech and then meet other player driven cultures and either ally or fight it would be amaaaazing.

As interesting as xenobiology would be in real sounds tedious in a game

yeah totally...and if you can’t kill other actual players in game whats the point?

Cant be if its procedurally generated.

Used to be hamptons but we are looking more like podunk every day

Thank you so much for this.

One of my favorite series both the books and the BBC show.