
All these kinjas are yours, with the exception of gawker...leave that one alone.

TL;DR you mean it just don’t get hot enough?

Are you walking, or ubering?

When they fucked up punkin chunkin and then fucked up the mythbusters cast i was done

Should test this new material in minecraft first.

So many parallels with scientology...

At least he didn’t fake it.

Your analysis is flawed if you think the more Sanders wins the further right the Dem party will move.

“Boldly progressive”???? Please give me at least one example. Anything actual.

That middle paragraph is the most absurd bullshit I may have ever read. Do you see the enormous amount of fucktoolery we are contending with across the country? You sound like a republitard blaming Obama for the latest tornado hitting the midwest.

Biggest mistake was running period.

Also a gun issue.

Seemed like a worthless program to begin with.

Actually not true...but carry on.

Not quite accurate.

She doesn’t have to steal it, she is winning it fair and square.

Actually Fox has been directed to attack Trump by their GOP managers.

They are both shit...flush them together just make sure the toilet doesn’t overflow.

Somewhere between “anti” and “dark” matter lies a new form of matter, “doesn’t.”

Not at all. He had no intent to record their conversation so no mens rea and no crime.