
I’d love to smack her in the head with a hammer.

This is the reason I keep buying Chipotle for my co-workers.

Even almond milk?

Or at least your bowels.

Probably wants the bible to replace the constitution...

Yeah, I am pretty sure we wouldn’t have royally fucked up the middle east if gore had won (thanks again, nader!).

The sooner nascar dies, the better.

Was kind a joke but yeah it sounds like kludge to make the math work to me...always has. Like the cosmological constant.

I’ll believe in dark matter when I am holding a lump of it my hands.

Alien cows are bigger since they are in space. So they could make cheese moons. My logic is flawless and I do cheese analytics for a living.

Dick-weasel hehe. Sorry, no judgement here, I’ve been married so long I can’t remember what recreational sex is.


Who the fuck needs to date to fuck? What is this, the 60s?

By your logic he would have been rewarded for that practice. Maybe he refused to sacrifice a muggle?

It’s simply unacceptable for the school to expel a public figure without providing the rationale.

Throw in “just turned 18 asian” for good measure.

I always search for ebony and ivory.

And then it will be The West Wing.

OH I don’t doubt that. My guess is Kanye for President will actually become a real thing. “Keeping up with the Kardashians, White House Edition.”

We (and I mean anyone who is actually combines some amount of logic and compassion into a package that constitutes someone who is “good”) need to never again back down from aggressively calling out hateful or ignorant behavior. We have been silent, polite or fearful for far too long.