
If you aren’t American do us a solid and don’t watch. We suffered through bumblefuck bush, wasn’t that enough for you???

So you would prefer total social collapse and civil war to a centrist democrat with pro-business leanings? I am too old to have a well developed double secret troll detector but if you are serious I fear, even more than I already did, for our country.

If he won, I would only refer to him as “That Piece of Shit” for the rest of my life.

Weep for joy?

In space, no one can hear you howl.

Teen Wolf 2020

They are either racist or (unacceptably) ignorant shills of racists if they think their viewpoint justifies defacing a pro-BLM post.

You really really are missing the message.


Very disappointed in Apple’s actions on this. I say that as a massive Apple fanboy since the original Mac.

Only a racist (self-aware or otherwise) would find BLM to be violent or offensive or anything else.

Sure go around saying all lives matter, thanks captain obvious. Just keep that obvious shit away from the focused political movement that is BLM.

Yeah you still don’t get the whole fucking alllivesmatter point was to bash the BLM movement. Said another way, all lives have always mattered, there is no need for that to be a slogan (except to water down the BLM impact). SO IT IS 100000000% IRRELEVANT WHETHER THE IDIOT THAT MADE THE CHANGE ON THE FACEBOOK BOARD


No actually you are just wrong.

You will get assaulted and batteried for that comment.

When i get surged price i feel like going on a murder spree.

A fucking murderer is not de facto a terrorist jesus fucking christ grow up.

bullshit...i hate uber as much as i spend on it, but traditional cab companies are run even worse than uber

You don’t need religion for perspective.