
Pointless and stupid and that applies to the gun and the organization behind it.

All terrorists are crazy.

Not sure what I was trying to say there...but the "the" still needs to be there LOL.

Straw man alert. Guns for work have always been subject to permits and no one is suggesting this doesn't work. Recreation, yea no more pulling the ol glock out for target practice sorry. You can take a nice single shot rifle or shotgun out for that.

Uncorrection...the "the" is needed because its -the-Los Angeles that could have been. Say it with me the other way... "10 visions of Los Angeles that could have been" know are the visions the things that could have been, or the Los Angeles that could have been.

Cool blast from the past...i would have said dozens of innocent people killed in the last year with guns no one needs for any legitimate purpose so of course we should ban them...but your response is rational too, lol.

exchange emails suck integration whatsoever with calendar,'s total shit...and I am the biggest apple fanboy of all time

Problem is that the problems with banning abortion are either rights/concepts or from a practical perspective take a long time to manifest. Abortion, gay rights and sexual education are all the same meta-argument which is whether we are a free country based on secular beliefs, or a religious fiefdom a la iran.

Also, you do know its "Au" not "Ah" right? If you are going to say stupid things at least don't have a stupid sounding name.

A few questions for you:

Another study shows that men lie on surveys in order to support their own delusions of satisfaction.

The story of "Project Azorian" began on March 1, 1968, when a Soviet Golf-II submarine, the K-129 (the CIA history refers to the submarine by its pendant number - 722), carrying three SS-N-4 Sark nuclear-armed ballistic missiles, sailed from the naval base at Petropavlovsk on the Kamchatka Peninsula to take up its

Fuck insurance companies. They shouldn't have access to jack diddly shit.

I think it all comes down to well thought out customization. Let apps work within service frameworks to provide tiles or other features on the lockscreen and leave it up to the user to decide what will show. As long as the base config is clean, any ability to modify can only be considered a positive.

If you believe in god, then believing women are lesser mortals is easy.

Remember that in some cultures (Asia) gender is not a part of regular sentence structure.

I really wish I could believe in this. We need to all be nicer, and we need to fight to protect others like never before.

Jindal has been ironically outspoken in criticizing other republicans for being outspoken. He has stuck to what is probably very intelligent guidance that the GOP needs to be less forthcoming about its true beliefs. When he says "respectful" he means don't speak ill get elected and then act ill.

Some mentally ill people are addicted to cutting, but there is no move to ban knives. Sending her to jail accomplishes nothing...sorry I know this is obvious.

Bitches be snitches.