
Churches don't do good, some people in those churches do good. Last time I checked many athiests do good too, so score churches as neutral. The real problem with churches is that they help to hide the crazy.

Religion is silly, but this has nothing to do with religion and more to do with our broken and hateful society raising monsters. There are so many more out there it terrifies me.

Along with all you can eat sushi and $35 plane flights, rapid construction skyscrapers are just not a good idea. Perfect working order??? Let's talk after a major quake hits.

Black Friday, huh?

Exactly, they are the almost Aryans that supported Hitler but which he didn't care about, and their support of the GOP is necessary for its success yet it doesn't care about them at all. Help them understand!

It wasn't a joke :) but you are welcome. Ask her if she wants to live in South Africa or Brazil, places where its cool to be super-wealthy since you can afford a cadre of security, but the upper middle class (what there is of it anyway) lives in fear of kidnapping and car-jackings. FUN!!!

Tell her the worst thing for the wealthy are heavily armed poor people cut off from social assistance. The republican policies are like crack for the wealthy, feels good for a while but in the long run really not good for you.

The only thing depressing me right now is the nonsense republicans spewing garbage talking points about "policies" like they ever had any other than cutting taxes for the wealthy.

Don't worry in a decade or two there won't be any manufacturing jobs, so this is a transitory issue. What you should be worried about is what the 50% percent of humans who are unable to do creative work will do with themselves once there are no manufacturing jobs.

I guess that's the thing. From an economic perspective, you should be doing what you can to secure a job (I won't say longer an option)/profession/whatever. If you have low interest loans that are deferred, prob is best to wait til you graduate and have some sense of what you are going to do with

If you think you will use the cash to start a business or fund a move to a place where jobs are more plentiful, then save the cash. If you just have cash sitting in a bank account, you will be way better off repyaing the debt. Took me 15 years to pay off my educational debt and I would have given anything to start

With all the progamming resources (likely too many) at their disposal, and with the rest of the computing world closing in, Microsoft should have done something truly unique for them, which would have been to focus solely on user needs and functionality/customizability. Instead, we get this UI forcefeed that in the

I'd much rather have 70 and no cams. Most states' unofficially don't ticket for anything within 10 mph of the limit, so 80 is good, and when traffic is all moving 80 you can burst to 90 as long as you are vigilant.

I would rather read a review by someone who hadn't read the book since I haven't either.

When solicited for Jesus, my response is "Have you heard about our true lord, Satan?" Typically shuts the bible-thumpers up fast.

My Glock manual says: "Be careful to fully extend your arm outside the vehicle before pulling the trigger in order to minimize cabin noise. Once you have verified the other driver is dead and his vehicle has stopped forward motion, you may signal and change lanes."

Yeah it's actually rained a couple of times already but it was still cool how hard it came down in the 9th.

So many WTF moments but one question, what is "slooper"???

I wish!

A physicist working on a theory that doesn't say anything about the real world should be an unemployed physicist.