
I am still unclear about whether the railroad owns the right to the "classic ticker." Is there a chance they don't really own the rights?

Grammar Nazi's...the only good kind of Nazi!

And also, bullshit, before Reagan we had something called antitrust law and the oil companies are totally price-fixing.

So by your logic, its perfectly acceptable for a store to sell water for $100/gallon after a disaster? OK I really don't want to live in your world.

I don't know anything about racebending and I also didn't know that yellowfacing was a thing, but I do know your grammarbending is atrocious!

After reading that hit piece and the ensuing comments, I have a great idea, let's swap our GOP for Australia's labor party. Mittins will fit right in in Australia.

you mean further from commodity, as commodities are usually sold via third parties but products with more custom features and configurations and therefore lower volume are sold direct

High gas prices are a fiction. Nothing changed but the momentary shcok from the gulf war that matured into an abilty of the oil companies to price higher than they did before.

There is little intrinsic value in gold relative to its inflated perceived value as a hedge against inflation. A total devaluation of gold and diamonds would have little impact on the world economy other than proving that people are stupid (since the same people invest in gold today is the reason they bought real

So you are throwing a flag on this one?

But more importantly, how can one learn to write like an unsuffrable prig who is seemingly paid by the word, thereby necessitating an endless conflagration of syllables?

Shame on you for for not making a huge deal out of a few random issues in a new product!

And yet neither Google nor Apple produce their own map data, so there is something else going on here (not that Apple doesn't need to chase this down of course).

Like most Amercan's I don't care about public transport or foreign locations. So I think I am still ahead considering no turn by turn was a fatal flaw for google maps.

Fresno is a loss for sure.


Again, I didn't say it wasn't usable just that there is no compelling reason for it to usurp established payment infrastructure in the US until someone comes up with a killer app, e.g. pre-ordering from stores before you go or order and pay while you sit.

How can it be way faster? It takes me under 5 seconds to use my credit card at the grocery store.

Long term Norcal here and I put the line much further south based on political alignment. For me Socal starts a bit North of Santa Barbara.

Just flat wrong anyway, questions are valuable weapons in debate. Ask anyone who went to law school.